After creating your beautiful new smile through the placement of dental veneers, the follow up care is crucial to ensuring your veneers last for many years to come. As you leave our office with your new natural looking veneers, it is important to understand some key post-op instructions to facilitate proper healing and care for your investment. 

While veneers are remarkably durable restorations, following our guidance during the first few days and weeks will optimize the longevity of your smile makeover and help you feel confident enjoying your new teeth.

Post-Op Instructions

Following the placement of dental veneers at Monahan Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, please adhere to our post-operative instructions for optimal results.

Oral Hygiene

Maintaining health requires adequate oral hygiene, mouth and body. It includes brushing twice daily, flossing, and regular dental checkups. Dental hygiene reduces cavities, gum disease, and diseases, and bad breath and can even ward off chronic conditions including diabetes and heart disease. It’s not just about a bright smile but about overall well-being.

Dietary Awareness

Dietary awareness involves understanding food nutrition and health effects. Be cautious of portion amounts, meal nutrient balance, and eating timing. Eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats is important while limiting processed meals heavy in sugar, salt, and bad fats. Diet awareness helps reduce chronic diseases and generational errors. 

Follow-Up Appointments

Follow-up appointments are critical to healthcare, ensuring continuity of care and timely intervention if necessary. They allow healthcare professionals to assess patients’ progress, adjust treatment plans, and address any concerns that may have arisen since the last visit. Regular follow-ups can lead to improved health outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.

Discomfort or Issues

Ineffective communication or a lack of comprehension may lead to discomfort or problems. They might be emotional, like stress from a demanding work environment, or physical, such as soreness from extended sitting. To tackle these problems, one must be aware of them, take preventative action, and frequently modify daily routines or work habits. 

Long-Term Maintenance

Long-term maintenance is an integral aspect of ensuring the longevity and efficiency of any system, be it machinery, software, or even relationships. It involves regular checkups, updates, and necessary repairs to prevent any potential breakdown before it occurs. 

It’s about understanding that things only work for a while with some form of consistent care and attention. For instance, long-term maintenance may include routine oil changes, alignment checks, or part replacements in the context of machinery. 


Preservation is a fundamental aspect of maintaining the richness of our world. It safeguards our natural resources, cultural heritage, and biodiversities from deterioration or extinction. 

Through preservation, we ensure that future generations can experience and learn from the wonders of our past and continue to enjoy the diverse and beautiful planet we currently inhabit.

Our goal is to help you achieve a beautiful and confident smile. Following these guidelines will help you succeed in the durability of your dental veneers.

After Care

Aftercare” is support and care for individuals following various medical procedures, surgeries, or treatments. A good recovery requires proper aftercare optimal outcomes. Here are some general principles and considerations for aftercare

  • Follow Medical Advice: Always adhere to the specific instructions your healthcare provider or surgeon provides. These instructions are tailored to your unique needs and are critical for a successful recovery.
  • Medications: If prescribed, take antibiotics, pain relievers, or other drugs, as directed. Follow the recommended dosage and schedule closely.
  • Physical Therapy: If prescribed, attend physical therapy sessions and perform rehabilitation exercises as directed to regain strength and mobility.
  • Emotional Support: Get emotional help from friends, family, or a mental health professional if you experience anxiety, depression, or stress related to your recovery.
  • Incision or Injury Protection: Protect surgical incisions or injured areas from trauma, excessive sunlight, or extreme temperatures. Use bandages, dressings, or sunscreen as appropriate.
  • Medical Equipment: If you have medical equipment such as crutches or braces, use them as directed and maintain them properly.
  • Monitor for Complications: Look for warning indicators of complications, such as high fever, severe pain, excessive bleeding, or sudden worsening of symptoms, and seek immediate medical attention if they occur.
  • Patience: Recovery takes time, and it’s normal to experience ups and downs. Be patient with your body’s healing process.
  • Long-Term Care: Continue managing pre-existing chronic conditions and medications as prescribed, depending on your condition.

Please note that aftercare instructions may vary significantly based on your specific treatment or condition. It is highly recommended that you consult with your healthcare provider at Monahan Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, who will provide you with personalized and detailed aftercare guidance. 

The quality of your recovery and overall well-being can be greatly influenced by the aftercare you receive. Book us your follow-up appointment for further instructions.