At Monahan Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer a comprehensive dental procedure called a full mouth reconstruction. This procedure is designed to restore your oral health and improve both the functionality and appearance of your smile. 

After your full mouth reconstruction, it is important to follow these detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a successful recovery and maintain the longevity of your dental work. We kindly ask you to carefully read and follow these guidelines.

Post-Op Instructions

Oral Hygiene

Maintain meticulous oral hygiene throughout your recovery. You should keep brushing your teeth as you normally would, using a soft-bristle toothbrush. Be gentle around the treated areas to prevent irritation. Follow their instructions if your dentist has recommended any specialized oral hygiene products.

Dietary Considerations

Immediately after your full mouth reconstruction, consume only soft and cool foods. Avoid hot, spicy, hard, or crunchy foods. Opt for yogurt, mashed potatoes, pudding, and smoothies. As your comfort and healing progress, gradually reintroduce your regular diet.

Pain Management

You could feel a little sore after a full mouth reconstruction. Follow your dentist’s prescription for pain medication as directed. Common OTC painkillers include acetaminophen and ibuprofen, which can also be used following their recommended dosage guidelines.

Temperature Sensitivity

At first, you could feel sensitivity in your gums and teeth when the temperature changes. Eat and drink things that are not very hot or cold if you want to keep your pain to a minimum. Choose between lukewarm and room temperature.


Some degree of swelling is common after extensive dental work. Ice packs or cold compresses outside of your cheek in 20-minute intervals with equal breaks during the first 24-48 hours can help reduce swelling.


Adequate rest is essential for your recovery. Do not engage in any heavy lifting or other physically demanding activity for a minimum of 48 hours after the treatment. A well-rested body can recover faster.

Aftercare Tips

In addition to the immediate post-operative instructions, here are additional aftercare recommendations to promote your long-term oral health after a full mouth reconstruction:

Regular Dental Check-ups

Schedule dental cleanings and checkups regularly. These appointments enable your dentist to track the state of your dental restorations and quickly resolve any issues that may arise.

Diligent Oral Hygiene

Continue your oral hygiene regimen, including maintaining good oral hygiene by using a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least two times a day. To keep the space between your teeth and any dental work clean, floss once a day.

Balanced Diet

Fruits, veggies, lean meats, and whole grains should make up the bulk of a healthy diet. If you want to lower your chance of developing dental decay and maintain the health of your dental work.

Harmful Habit Avoidance

If you have a habit of teeth grinding (bruxism), consider using a custom-made night guard, as recommended by your dentist, to protect your dental work. Additionally, use a mouthguard when engaging in sports to prevent potential injury to your teeth.

Stay Informed

Stay informed about oral health best practices and advancements in dental care. Regularly educate yourself about proper dental hygiene and remain updated on emerging technologies and approaches in the dental field.

Undergoing a full mouth reconstruction at Monahan Family and Cosmetic Dentistry is a significant step toward achieving comprehensive oral health, function, and aesthetics. 

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile for many years. Should you have any questions or concerns about your full mouth reconstruction or its aftercare, please if you need assistance or instruction, don’t hesitate to call your dentist. Monahan Family and Cosmetic Dentistry’s dedicated dental team is committed to ensuring oral health and overall well-being.