Did you know that by the time they reach their 50th birthday, the average American has lost 12 adult teeth?

Yes, that is true! Although this number is regrettable and unsettling, it is also avoidable. The best way to keep your teeth is to take care of them and visit the dentist frequently, but issues may inevitably emerge. However, a dental crown can nearly always be used to treat them promptly.

We’ll discuss some of the most common crowns today to help you maintain your smile for the rest of your life. Continue reading to find out which crown materials work best to keep you looking and feeling like royalty out of the four you might be contemplating.


Gold is one material that is frequently used for dental crowns. People prefer this metal because it is solid and long-lasting, and if you maintain good oral hygiene, it can endure for many years. Additionally, the teeth next to the tooth with the crown sustain very little damage from gold. This deterioration could be an issue if you use materials like porcelain or silver.

The fact that some people don’t like the color gold may be the only drawback. But if you don’t mind, this could be the best for you!


If you’re someone who dislikes the color of the gold crown, porcelain will most likely remedy your problem. In terms of color and texture, this substance resembles your natural teeth almost identically. As a result, it is practically impossible to detect its presence. You may have heard that if you drink a lot of coffee or red wine, they can stain, but this isn’t a typical occurrence, and you shouldn’t be concerned.

Porcelain has also been utilized for decades as a strong crown material.


For crowns, porcelain and gold are both fantastic, time-tested materials. However, as dentistry develops as a field, new technologies are being used that are even more effective.

Zirconia is a synthetic stone with a Mohs hardness of 8.5. Zirconium, a metal that resembles titanium, is used in its construction. It is used by many dentists, including ours, to produce durable and dependable dental treatments.

This makes zirconia an advantageous material for crowns. It has the resilience to withstand decades of chewing because of its hardness. In addition, since molars and premolars receive the highest pressure, many dentists only employ zirconia crowns on these teeth. So even when you chew and crush the toughest meals, your crown won’t ever need to be replaced.

Zirconia crowns are also resistant to bacterial and chemical reactions. Because you eat acidic foods, other metals and crown materials may deteriorate with time. Zirconia is inert. Thus it won’t react in this way. Additionally, because it is biocompatible, it won’t make your gums hurt or inflame.


Metal crowns are not only one of the least expensive solutions but also one of the most substantial options available if you’re searching for strength. Due to the combination of metal alloys used in their construction, they have a level of strength and toughness that makes them unlikely to crack or chip. They aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing alternative and are often exclusively used on molars, but some individuals think their durability makes up for it. They are highly apparent in your mouth. Metal crowns have the potential to survive for many years with proper care.

Because of their durability, metal crowns can be made thinner than other forms without reducing their strength. This enables your dentist to preserve more of your natural tooth structure than different types of crowns. Keeping as much of your natural tooth as you can is always best for your long-term oral health.

However, a metal crown probably isn’t the most excellent choice for you if you frequently clench or grind your teeth because it can result in more wear. Metal also changes size in reaction to temperature changes; therefore, metal crowns also do. This may weaken or shatter your crown earlier than it would, harm the teeth next to it, or create tooth sensitivity.

It’s a good idea to ensure you don’t have any metal allergies or sensitivities before getting a metal dental crown because they aren’t uncommon. However, a metal crown can be an excellent choice if you want a rear molar dental crown that is inexpensive, long-lasting, and doesn’t need to match your other teeth.


Although ceramic crowns and porcelain crowns are incredibly comparable, some people believe that ceramic crowns have a few advantages. Its strength is where the most significant advances are found. Ceramic crowns are more durable than porcelain ones, yet they aren’t as sturdy as metal crowns. Even though they withstand normal wear and tear, you should still utilize your crown carefully, just like your natural teeth. Using your teeth as a tool increases the risk of chipping, cracking, or breaking your natural teeth or your ceramic crown, and ceramic crowns cannot be restored the way porcelain sometimes can.

Ceramic crowns can last up to 15 years if you take good care of them. Ceramic crowns are manufactured specifically for you and colored to match your teeth, much like porcelain crowns are. This results in a distinctive dental crown that complements your natural smile. In addition, people with metal allergies or sensitivities are safe to use because they don’t contain any metal. They are thus yet another excellent choice if you’re seeking a metal-free solution that yields organic outcomes.

Selecting The Ideal Dental Crown for Your Needs.

At Monahan Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, zirconia is the material of choice for the most extraordinary kind of crown. It’s a cutting-edge metal perfect for usage on any of your teeth since it strikes the ideal mix between strength and beauty. However, since each person has unique treatment requirements and preferences, no one style of crown is inherently the best choice for everyone. We know this and wish to help you select the ideal crown. After all, we hope you can leave our office smiling and in good health!

Dental crowns are frequently crucial for saving and protecting a badly damaged tooth for many years while also providing pain relief for toothaches. This is why it’s critical to pick a dentist who will fulfill your treatment demands and objectives while also giving you a smile you adore. Call us if you’d like to find out more about your possibilities.