Periodontal disease can cause people to lose teeth, which can have a big effect on their oral health and quality of life. The gums and bones that support the teeth get weak over time because of periodontal disease, which is often brought on by bad oral care, smoking, or other health problems. 

When this happens, teeth may become loose and eventually fall out. Fortunately, dentures offer an effective solution for managing tooth loss caused by periodontal disease, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits.

How Do Dentures Help In Managing Tooth Loss Caused By Periodontal Disease?

Dentures play a crucial role in managing tooth loss caused by periodontal disease by restoring lost teeth’ function and appearance. This restoration is vital as tooth loss can lead to significant challenges in daily life.

  1. Eating and Nutrition: When teeth are lost, chewing food becomes difficult, limiting dietary choices and potentially leading to nutritional deficiencies. Dentures provide a sturdy replacement for missing teeth, allowing individuals to chew various foods effectively. This ability to eat a balanced diet is crucial for overall health and well-being.
  2. Speech and Communication: Tooth loss can also affect speech, making it hard to pronounce certain words. Dentures help restore the ability to speak properly by filling in the gaps left by missing teeth, which supports the proper movement of the tongue and lips. This improvement can boost confidence in social interactions and professional settings.
  3. Aesthetics and Confidence: Smiling and socializing confidently can be challenging without a full set of teeth. Dentures help restore the natural appearance of the mouth and face, providing a more youthful and pleasing look. This improvement in appearance can significantly boost self-esteem and quality of life.
  4. Jaw Alignment and Oral Structure: Full dentures, used when all teeth are lost, and partial dentures, used when some natural teeth remain, are custom-made to fit comfortably in the mouth. These false teeth fill in the spaces where teeth are missing, which keeps the other teeth from moving around. The general structure and function of the mouth are kept up by dentures, which keep the jaw in place. This stability is very important for keeping your mouth healthy and avoiding more problems like bad bites and jaw pain.
  5. Customized Fit for Comfort: Dentures are designed to be custom-fitted to each individual’s mouth, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness. A proper fit helps prevent sores and irritation, making daily wear more comfortable and sustainable.

Dentures are an essential solution for managing tooth loss due to periodontal disease. They restore vital functions like eating and speaking, improve aesthetics, maintain jaw alignment, and enhance oral health. With dentures, individuals can regain their confidence and enjoy a better quality of life.

What Types Of Dentures Are Recommended For Patients With Periodontal Disease?

Patients with periodontal disease can benefit from various types of dentures, depending on the severity of their condition and the extent of tooth loss. Here’s a closer look at the options:

  • Complete Dentures: Complete dentures are recommended for individuals who have lost all their teeth due to periodontal disease. These dentures consist of a full set of artificial teeth attached to an acrylic base that fits snugly over the gums. They are designed to replace an entire arch of teeth, whether upper, lower, or both. 

Complete dentures help restore the function and appearance of the mouth, allowing individuals to chew food properly and speak clearly. They also support facial muscles, preventing the sunken appearance that often occurs with total tooth loss.

  • Partial Dentures: When a person still has some good teeth, partial dentures are often the best choice. Partially false teeth are made to fit around your real teeth and are held in place by metal clasps or precise attachments. These dentures replace missing teeth and help stabilize the remaining teeth, preventing further shifting and potential tooth loss. By filling in the gaps left by missing teeth, partial dentures maintain the alignment of the remaining natural teeth and improve overall oral function.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures: Implant-supported teeth are another choice for people who have periodontal disease. These false teeth are attached to dental implants that were physically put into the jawbone. When compared to regular dentures, implant-supported dentures are more stable and comfortable, and they can help stop bone loss that often comes with gum disease. 

When you get dental implants, they act like real tooth roots. They give your dentures a solid base and help your jawbone stay dense and strong. People who want a more permanent and secure option should look into implant-supported dentures.

There are pros and cons to each type of denture, and the best one for each person depends on their wants and oral health. Getting advice from a dentist can help you figure out the best way to deal with tooth loss caused by gum disease.

Can Dentures Improve Oral Health In Individuals With Periodontal Disease?

Dentures can significantly improve oral health in individuals with periodontal disease. By replacing missing teeth, dentures help maintain the mouth’s structure and prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of place. This stabilization is crucial for maintaining proper alignment and avoiding bite problems and jaw pain.

Additionally, dentures can make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene. With dentures, patients can more easily clean their mouths, reducing the risk of further gum disease and tooth decay. Many patients find they are more motivated to maintain good oral hygiene habits once they have dentures, as they want to protect their investment and maintain their new smile.

Regular dental check-ups are essential for individuals with dentures to ensure their gums and remaining teeth remain healthy. Dentists can monitor the fit of the dentures and make any necessary adjustments to prevent discomfort and ensure optimal oral health.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Dentures For Those Suffering From Tooth Loss Due To Periodontal Disease?

Using dentures to manage tooth loss due to periodontal disease offers numerous benefits. Firstly, dentures restore the ability to chew and speak properly, significantly improving an individual’s quality of life. Eating a balanced diet becomes easier, decreasing the risk of nutritional deficiencies.

Dentures also provide aesthetic benefits by restoring the appearance of the smile. Missing teeth can cause embarrassment and affect self-esteem. Patients can regain their confidence and feel more comfortable smiling and socializing with dentures.

Furthermore, dentures support the facial muscles, preventing the sunken appearance that often accompanies tooth loss. This support helps maintain a youthful appearance and prevents premature aging.

Dentures that are implant-supported have further advantages, such as less risk of bone loss and more stability. The jawbone can atrophy from lack of stimulation after tooth loss. Stimulating the jawbone with dental implants stops bone loss and keeps the face’s natural curves.

If you’re dealing with tooth loss due to periodontal disease, dentures are a great option. They promote oral health, replace lost teeth’s function and look, and provide a host of other advantages to people who have experienced tooth loss. By working closely with a dental professional, patients can find the best denture solution for their needs and enjoy a healthier, more confident smile.

Why Monahan Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is the Best Choice for Denture Solutions

At Monahan Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional care for patients with tooth loss due to periodontal disease. When you work with our team of skilled dentists, we’ll tailor a treatment plan to your specific requirements. When you get dentures from us, you can rest assured that they will be well-fitting and functional, contributing to better overall oral health.

We provide a kind and encouraging atmosphere since we know how scary it is to obtain dentures. No matter what, our helpful staff is by your side from the first consultation all the way to the denture fitting. We are committed to ensuring you feel comfortable and confident throughout your treatment.

Additionally, our state-of-the-art facility has the most advanced dental equipment, allowing us to deliver top-quality care. Whether you need complete dentures, partial dentures, or implant-supported dentures, you can trust Monahan Family & Cosmetic Dentistry to provide the best solutions for your dental health needs. Choose us for a healthier, more beautiful smile and renewed confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Price Range For Dentures?

The cost of dentures can vary widely depending on the type and quality of dentures chosen. At Monahan Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, the price range for complete dentures typically falls between $1,200 and $3,000, while partial dentures range from $700 to $2,500. Implant-supported dentures can cost between $4,000 and $30,000, depending on the number of implants required.

How Long Does It Take To Get Dentures?

The process of getting dentures usually involves several appointments over a few weeks. We will check out your oral health and make molds of your mouth during the first appointment. After your dentures are made, you will come back for fittings and changes to make sure they fit perfectly.

Does Insurance cover Dentures?

A lot of dental insurance plans will pay for some or all of the cost of dentures. The people in our office can help you figure out how to get the most out of your insurance perks. We also offer a range of flexible payment plans to help make dentures more cheap.

Is Your Smile Prepared for a Revolution?

Experience the difference at Monahan Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. Our professional team is here to help you feel better about yourself again and improve your oral health with high-quality denture options. Call today to set up your appointment and take the first step toward a beautiful smile that works well.

To make an appointment, call us at (336) 228-7576 right now. You can also check out our website to learn more about what we do.